Frequently Asked Questions

What is Canada's Missing?

Canada's Missing is the national public website that contains information on missing children, missing persons, and unidentified remains cases. This website gives the opportunity to members of the public to become informed of these situations and provide tips on specific missing persons and unidentified remains cases.

Who has access to the Canada's Missing website and what is its main purpose?

Members of the public can access the website to perform searches of the published cases and submit tips. Its specific purpose is to solicit information from the public in order to assist the primary investigator or coroner/medical examiner in resolving an investigation.

How long will cases be posted on the website?

There is no specific time limit for cases to be posted on the website. However, it is left to the primary investigator to determine when to add and/or remove profiles on the website.

How can a member of the public submit a tip?

There are several options for a member of the public to submit a tip. Listed on each missing person/unidentified remains profile is the contact information for the primary investigator's agency, Crime Stoppers, and the RCMP's National Centre for Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains. If a tip is submitted to the NCMPUR it will be transferred to the primary investigator's agency.

Can tips be given anonymously?

Tips can be submitted anonymously through Crime Stoppers.

Who determines which cases are featured on the website?

The police of jurisdiction determines which missing person cases and associated information are featured on the website. The coroner's office/medical examiners decides which unidentified remains cases are to be featured on the website. It is important to note that not all cases are available on the website. Those listed represent a sampling of cases being investigated by police agencies and coroners/medical examiners.

Every effort is made to ensure the information is current and accurate.

Why aren't all active cases featured on the website?

The primary investigator determines if a case is published on the website. In reaching this determination, the primary investigator needs to consider a number of factors including privacy issues.

To be featured on the website, the request and information regarding a missing person must come from a police agency.

Does the website contain a comprehensive and complete listing of all currently active and ongoing missing persons and unidentified remains cases?

No. This website aims to obtain tips from the public in order to advance investigations. It is an investigative tool to solicit tips from the public. Profiles only appear on the website when the lead investigator or medical examiner/coroner determines, when appropriate, that having a missing persons or unidentified remains profile on the website may assist in advancing their investigation.

Does the RCMP maintain a total number of current ongoing Missing Persons Cases?

No, since missing persons cases fall under the purview of a municipal, provincial or territorial police force and do not necessarily involve the RCMP. The NCMPUR database records all missing persons cases for which police create an entry on CPIC.

Does the RCMP maintain a total number of unidentified remains cases currently ongoing and/or solved?

No, for Unidentified Remains cases, the primary investigator duties reside with the medical examiner/coroners in a specific province or territory and there is no requirement to provide statistical data on the number of active/solved cases to the RCMP. The NCMPUR database records all missing persons and unidentified remains cases for which police create an entry on CPIC.

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